Hoosier Town Breakdown
All things Hoosier Athletics we feel like talking about, but mostly obsessive discussions about Indiana Hoosiers' basketball. Hosts Allen Platt & Greg Nash, life-long Hoosier fans break it down. It's a podcast by Hoosiers, for Hoosiers. Support the HTB at https://www.patreon.com/hoosiertownbreakdown
Hoosier Town Breakdown
The Votes Are In - Hoosier Football Is 9-0 and Preparing to Sweep the State of Michigan
Allen Platt/Greg Nash
Season 7
Episode 4
We look back at the victory at MSU after chants of "overrated". The first College Football Playoffs rankings are out and we discuss the Hoosiers sitting at #8. A look forward to IUBB opening their season against a collection of alphabet schools and a new sponsor is in the house!