Hoosier Town Breakdown
All things Hoosier Athletics we feel like talking about, but mostly obsessive discussions about Indiana Hoosiers' basketball. Hosts Allen Platt & Greg Nash, life-long Hoosier fans break it down. It's a podcast by Hoosiers, for Hoosiers. Support the HTB at https://www.patreon.com/hoosiertownbreakdown
Hoosier Town Breakdown
The Leal Deal Is the Hoosiers Still Have a Pulse
Allen Platt/Greg Nash
Season 6
Episode 8
We breakdown the Hoosiers' games against Illinois, Iowa, Penn State and the huge comeback in Columbus against the Buckeyes, as well as Anthony Leal's ascendant recent performances. The pulse is weak, but it is still beating. We get back to Knight School and the Mailbag and even swing by H&R Bakery for the best donuts in Hoosier Town.