Hoosier Town Breakdown
All things Hoosier Athletics we feel like talking about, but mostly obsessive discussions about Indiana Hoosiers' basketball. Hosts Allen Platt & Greg Nash, life-long Hoosier fans break it down. It's a podcast by Hoosiers, for Hoosiers. Support the HTB at https://www.patreon.com/hoosiertownbreakdown
Hoosier Town Breakdown
The Woody Way and The End of The LEO Era
Allen Platt/Greg Nash
Season 6
Episode 2
The guys recap the Empire Classic and the battle of the crimsons against Harvard in Indy, as well as discuss some surprises and disappointments from the start of the season. A final look at the end of the LEO era as IU parts ways with Coach Tom Allen and so much more (debatable, but that always sounds good).